1. Wildfires take away homes, wildlife, as well as vegetation. All of the inhabitants of the wildlife environment now are found homeless. People often lose their houses as well if the fires are close enough to human housing. Vegetation is now obsolete if this area is near a farm or near the food of other inhabitants. Millions of dollars are spent repairing these damages and re-building homes and areas of vegetation.
2. The soil in the area of the wildfire has been completely destroyed. The soils in the forest are made with decaying nutrients and debris that have a lot of natural ingredients that help make the earth what it is. When a wildfire hits this soil it becomes too hot and all of those nutrients are gone for good.
3. Animals lose their lives. It is sad but true fact that birds, squirrels, rabbits, and other wildlife animals are no longer a part of this great earth.
4. Trees and plants are gone as well. Trees and plants help to produce oxygen in the world. The less trees and plants there are the less clean air we have to breathe. With no plants or trees, the animals that did survive no longer have anything to eat.
5. Too much water in the soil can cause erosion. Firefighters use a great deal of water to put out these vicious wildfires. Too much water in the soil causes it to erode and make it useless.
6. Large amounts of smoke is released into the air which makes it difficult to breathe and also causes air pollution.
7. Unfortunately, some human lives are also lost in wildfires. Typically people who are fighting the fire who lose their lives trying to save others.
8. Ash and smoke can cause serious health problems to humans who suffer from allergies and other medical problems. This same smoke and ash has the ability to permanently damage the lungs and the throat.
9. Incomes and jobs are lost for workers in the agricultural field whose field crops and animals were destroyed by the wildfire. When people are out of work the economy suffers which makes it difficult to recover.
10. Insurance premiums soar sky high after a wildfire because now everyone is looking to obtain some kind of insurance to prevent such devastating losses. People are unable to afford these premiums even when they need them the most.
11. There will be restricted recreational areas that will not be able to be accessed until the area is clear of debris and is determined to be safe to inhabit or visit.
12. The loss of animals has the ability to also create extinction for certain animals and other creatures of the forest.
Effects of Wildfires

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